DARE to take the Lead and...

Fully embrace your leadership role, empowered with 
new skills, key insights and easy-to-implement tools

Fully embrace your leadership role, empowered with new skills, key insights and easy-to-implement tools
  • Become a passionate leader with real impact
  • Inspire and enable others to be the best version of themselves
  • Explore the values of authenticity, empathy, trust, diversity, ... and generate additional engagement
  • Sharpen your communication and leadership behaviour
  • Learn and integrate best practice in:
          • Objective and fair performance leadership
          • Giving corrective and reinforcing feedback
          • Conducting challenging conversations
          • Crisp and inspiring delegation principles
          • A simple coaching dialogue framework
          • Active and empowering team leadership

... engage on a 4-5 month inspiring learning journey with peers

Develop a mix of 20 up-to-date leadership skills,

insights and best practices

Develop a mix of 20 up-to-date leadership skills, insights and best practices

  • Your interactive learning journey offers language flexibility (Eng/NL/F/DK) and self-paced learning between consolidating virtual group workshops
  • You will be part of an exclusive, supportive and cohesive community with the same expert and fellow participants throughout the whole programme ànd beyond
  • You will benefit from crisp tutorials, small quizzes, regular peer exchange, moments of introspection and numerous practical applications
  • All participants will furthermore be offered an individual coaching session with the trainer at their best convenience
Programme journey - duration 4 à 5 months
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A total of 24 tutorials with individual reflection exercises, buddy exercises, group exercises on Miro, quizzes and questionnaires
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Session 1


Kick-Off Journey
Group Commitments
Group Expectations
Connecting Socially
Terminology Introduction
Me as a Leader
My Leadership Environment

Session 2


Leadership Insights
Leadership Impact
Communicate to Lead
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+ Virtual Workshop

Session 3


Leadership Tools 1
One pager Dashboard
Challenge & Support
Performance Leadership
Situational Support
Coaching Style Leadership
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+ Virtual Workshop

Session 4


Leadership Tools 2
The Power of Feedback
Challenging Conversations
Intro Team Leadership
Leadership Pitfalls
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+ Virtual Workshop

Session 5


Moving Forward
Keep on Daring
Keep on Caring
Feedback Carousel
Further Learnings
Evaluation of the Journey
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Empty space, drag to resize
Programme journey - duration 4 à 5 months
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A total of 24 tutorials with individual reflection exercises, buddy exercises, group exercises on Miro, quizzes and questionnaires
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Session 1


Kick-Off Journey
Group Commitments
Group Expectations
Connecting Socially
Terminology Introduction
Me as a Leader
My Leadership Environment

Session 2


Leadership Insights
Leadership Impact
Communicate to Lead

Session 3


Leadership Tools 1
One pager Dashboard
Challenge & Support
Situational Support
Coaching Style Leadership

Session 4


Leadership Tools 2
Performance Leadership
The Power of Feedback
Challenging Conversations
Intro Team Leadership
Leadership Pitfalls

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Session 5


Moving Forward
Keep on Daring
Keep on Caring
Feedback Carousel
Further Learnings
Evaluation of the Journey
+ Virtual Workshop
+ Virtual Workshop
+ Virtual Workshop
Download Our Hybrid Leadership Programme Guide (print version)

2 Ways to take this memorable Hybrid Leadership Programme:

Join with your existing Leadership Team and strengthen your Leadership Community
(6 - max. 8 participants)
Please get in touch for our best offer

Join an open Cross-Company programme and grow your network
(for individual enrolment or few participants)

Please get in touch for our best offer

(Y)our assets at a glance: 

Managerial Level

Junior & Medior

4-5 Months

Learning journey

Hybrid Format

Mix of digital, virtual and live


Progress at your own speed

20 Up-To-Date

Leadership topics

Optimal Group Size

Max 8 participants

Customised Eng/NL/F/DK

Choose your own language


Challenge & Support level

Same Expert & Group

During full journey

Great Food & Comfort

At our fine venue

Easy Access

Public transportation up to front door

Personal Certificate 

Crowning your learning journey

What some of our talented participants say:

Patricia has formed my perspective on leadership more than any school

Patricia has formed my perspective on leadership more than any school. To this day, I still draw the models she shared 15 years ago. By helping to hire most of my employees, Patricia possesses a deep knowledge of them all – but she also understands me better than myself. This insight allows her to offer leadership advice that is not only relevant to the situation at hand but also customized to me as the recipient, advising on how my own traits can be advantageous or pose challenges.

Anonymous leadership support feedback 
Very relevant to my current position

"Nice course. Very relevant to my current position. A lot of tools and techniques to learn and use in my daily work leading people."

Anonymous leadership training feedback 
The training was beyond my expectations

"The training was beyond my expectations. I personally gained a lot from it,
thank you for that!"

Anonymous leadership training feedback 
Our pace, not the "we-hurry-through-the-slides" mode

"It was also nice that it was at 'our pace, with time to dwell on topics, and not the we-hurry-through-the-slides mode."

Anonymous leadership training feedback 
Hugely inspiring to learn from

"What a wealth of experience Patricia has! Hugely inspiring to learn from."

Anonymous leadership training feedback 
I have grown enormously in my role

"I learned so incredibly much during the training and feel that I have
grown enormously in my role."

Anonymous leadership training feedback 
One of the success factors of such a training

"I was very happy with the level of dedication of the group. That is one of the success factors of such a training."

Anonymous leadership training feedback 
I would recommend this training to anyone who leads!

"Super efficient and fine tools, many of which I immediately put into practice. I would recommend this training to anyone who leads! "

Anonymous leadership training feedback 
To develop and learn optimally

"Patricia facilitates in a very nice way. She puts people at ease and gives them self-confidence which allows them to develop and learn optimally."

Anonymous leadership training feedback 
I benefited immensely... to reflect on the execution of daily leadership responsibilities

"As a participant I benefited immensely of the very personal, positive and professional atmosphere in which to reflect on the execution of daily leadership responsibilities, as opposed to the stressful, immediate - result - expecting short-term atmosphere
in which they must be carried out."

Anonymous leadership training feedback 
Very interesting to share experiences with peers 

"I found it very good to do this training with all my peers who have to master the same situations. It was very interesting to share experiences with them as well."

Anonymous leadership training feedback 
Delivered in a particularly pleasant way

"It was an inspiring training course delivered in a particularly pleasant way,

Anonymous leadership training feedback 
Good reality check 

"Good reality check that there is still a way to go towards good leadership.
Which also makes it quite confronting."

Anonymous leadership training feedback 

Every manager needs that little luxury

“I hope I can continue my collaboration with DARE as long as my professional life goes on.
If I would change jobs, I would make it a topic in my negotiation with my new employer.
I think that every manager needs that little luxury to talk to somebody
in a very safe environment, to be able to improve.”

Qfor ClientScan