Farverigt DNA

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 Patricia O
Founder og seniortræner 

Skandinaviske rødder

DAREs skandinaviske rødder stammer fra 2001, hvor Patricia O startede sin konsulentvirksomhed inden for ledelse og talentvurdering i København.

I dag har DARE base i Belgien og servicerer førsteklasses kunder inden for en lang række sektorer.

Som “professionel nomade” taler Patricia flydende dansk, engelsk, nederlandsk og fransk og arbejder på lokalt, europæisk og globalt niveau.

Patricia har en dobbelt kandidatgrad i psykologi og i arkitektur, men vigtigst af alt har hun over 30 års erfaring i rådgivning og ledelse.

Som adfærdsekspert har Patricia dedikeret hele sin karriere til ledelse, som hun anser for at være den hårdeste, mest udfordrende, men også mest givende disciplin.

Efter hendes mening er en tæt knyttet og kompetent ledelse, set som en kombination af vison, ambition, mod, empati og værdiskabelse, selve brændstoffet og olien i enhver fremtidssikret virksomhed.

Vores drevne team og erfarne rådgivere 

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 Simha Chardon

PA & Operations Lead

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"DARE's strong conviction on the importance of good Leadership is put into practice, right at the root, here at our offices where I have a first hand experience on what it is to work for a great leader. 
Motivating, challenging, supportive, fun; that's what I need to thrive at work. DARE manages to create that happy and inspiring environment where I truly look forward to work in each day.

And there are two office cats here. You can't beat that."

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 Benjamin Bosmans

Technical Lead

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"I fully share DARE's convictions, values and motivations. A real match of what we believe in and stand for in our professional life.

I find the combination of live, digital and remote sessions - the hybrid model - really inspiring and I believe this is the most efficient and supportive approach to our present work culture. The hybrid way of working is thoroughly embedded into everyone’s life. The additional challenges and opportunities it brings to managers is substantial."

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 Lindert Steegen

Creative Lead

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"Our mission at LS is to transform places and spaces.

We first worked with DARE by transforming their venue. Transforming their digital world was the next step.

As a creative, it is always a pleasure to work in beautiful spaces and connect with passionate, caring people." Lindert Steegen

"Lindert manages to combine a very  authentic creativity with a very professional approach, which makes him the perfect Creative Lead for DARE." Patricia

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 Peter Van Olmen
Financial Adviser
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"As a consultancy that coaches and trains leaders to ensure the agility of organisations, Dare "practices what it preaches":
Empiricism, expertise and observations lead to insights that form the basis for new tools and concepts, which by definition are derived from, and adapted to an ever-changing world."

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 Sophie De Vylder

Quality Adviser

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"I met Patricia some ten years ago when she was coaching me through professional change.

Since then we have had many opportunities to ex”change”, to dig deeper and to explore some topics further. I am thankful for her continuous partnership in my growth. The innovative hybrid leadership journey she has designed for DARE will surely be of tremendous support for many of us.

Happy and proud to be part of the DARE family!"
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Vores Indbytende Mødested

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Føl dig velkommen og veltilpas i vores hyggelige reception

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Arbejd uforstyrret i vores assessmentrum

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Lad os udveksle i vores komfortable coaching-lounge
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Nyd en dejlig og sund frokost...
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... i et varmt og stilfuldt miljø
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Bliv inspireret i lyse og rummelige workshoplokaler ...
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... understøttet af moderne teknologi

Vores Indbydende Mødested

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Føl dig velkommen i vores hyggelige reception

Arbejd uforstyrret i vores assessmentrum

Lad os udveksle i vores komfortable coaching-lounge

Nyd en dejlig og sund frokost...

... I et varmt og stilfuldt miljø

Bliv inspireret i lyse og rummelige workshoplokaler ...

... Understøttet af moderne teknologi

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